Saturday, December 10, 2011

Picky, picky, picky!

So, you have been informed somehow that you would get to meet someone special, perhaps by way of a response to a Facebook invitation - or someone just told you.  Now you have all kinds of expectations about what this person is going to be like or what your interaction with this person is going to be like as you wait in anticipation of your chance to meet.  When you finally do meet and get to know this person, you find yourself rather disappointed because YOUR expectations about this person were not met.  So you dismiss this person as a failure and disappointment.

Truth be told, what this person had to offer was actually MORE profound than was advertised but not in the way one would expect.  Perhaps your interaction with this person was mundane or even awkward so it did not seem significant but things are not always as they appear.  If you keep your eyes and your heart open, you can recognize the significance in even the most seemingly mundane and ordinary events of your life, even those that would normally leave you feeling disappointed.

Matthew 17: 9a, 10-13

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