Friday, March 09, 2012

I ♥ H8rs! lol, jk

Behind every success is a pack of haters.  It's just human nature.  We see someone who seems to have it made.  Their perfect little life seems to be all set and they appear to get all the praise from the establishment - praise that they don't even really need because they already have more than enough to be happy about.  What's more?  They seem to be utterly oblivious to all the frustration and doubt experienced by most of the rest of the world around them.  So we assume they're arrogant too.  The truth is, once you've decided that you dislike someone, every little thing they do will seem offensive to you, regardless of what it is.  You begin to wonder what they ever did to deserve all this.  Sometimes life just does not seem fair.

"How so?," you might ask.  Just when you've found your calling, your niche, just when you seem to have finally found your groove, your purpose in life, people are constantly trying to discourage you and cause you to feel doubt.  Some harshly criticize every little thing about you whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.  Others go as far as accusing you of being a certain way whether it be true or not.  The whole world just seems determined to tear you down after you had just barely found some relief in your life.  It almost seems too cruel.  You begin to wonder what you ever did to deserve all this.

Matthew 21: 33-43, 45-46

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