For the past few years people have often joked about how the world is going to end in 2012. As the year drew closer people started to get more specific about what time of year the end would come. Predictably, the consensus was that the world would end very late in the year, like in December. If any of you remember the film "12 Monkeys," they said the same thing about 1996.
Rumor has it that a Mayan calendar cycle ends in 2012. Naturally this has led many to suggest, sometimes in jest, that this is some sort of omen foretelling certain doom. Others say it's just a new cycle, like a millennium. Surely some of you must remember all the apocalyptic hoopla regarding the coming of the year 2000. This was supposed to bring about a doomsday of sorts as a result of computers, electricity, clocks, and other forms of modern technology not working right. As we all know, the cycle changed over in a very uneventful and anticlimactic manner.
I do remember seeing a comic showing Mayan guys. One of them has just finished carving a calendar wheel and his friend asks him if 2012, the final year on the wheel, is the end of the world. The guy who carved the wheel says "no, I just ran out of space." The fact of the matter is we don't know when this gig is up. It could happen at a very obvious time like the end of a calendar cycle but it could just as easily happen at just some random time.
With that in mind we ought to live life to the fullest. If you want to serve others in your community or in your family, do not put it off. If you want certain people to know how much you love them, let them know when you get a chance - don't wait for the sake of being more dramatic (it generally ends up not being any more dramatic anyway). If you want to turn your life around, be a better person, and do the right thing, start giving it a go now - don't keep putting it off. There is a phrase in Latin that says "Carpe Diem." It means "seize the day."
Mark 13: 24-32
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