Sunday, January 01, 2012

Do you see with shepherd eyes?

Last year around this time, our parish had what was the best attended of its Theology on Tap events that year.  Father Peter Grover, OMV came to speak and a recurring theme of his was "do you see with shepherd eyes?"  Back in the day, shepherds were very simple people.  Little or no education, very few teeth.

But perhaps it was their simplicity that made them believe.  They were told, they saw, they believed.  Just like that.  The more learn-ed folks may have been inclined to come up with intellectual reasons as to why this sort of thing was "irrational" and "illogical."  As matter of fact, there were plenty of reasons to see this event in those ways.  The Son of God being born from a human?  As a "bastard" child?  In a place for animals?  And the list goes on...

But the shepherds saw the birth of Jesus for what it was because they knew no other way.  It was really very simple, just like the shepherds.  Sometimes if you know in your heart what is right but you can't find a way to explain it, perhaps there's no need for explanation.

Luke 2: 16-21

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