Thursday, December 08, 2011

The Chosen One

If today is supposed to be the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, then why does today's Gospel passage seem to focus on the Immaculate Conception of Jesus instead, better known as the Annunciation?  Doesn’t that feast day fall on the 25th of March?

The answer is yes.  But while that may be the case, let's also be mindful that one of the main ideas here is that Mary found favor with God.  This is presumably because she had been immaculately conceived, thus already chosen ahead of time.

But why her?  Why was she chosen?  We don’t know the answer to that.  Sure, Jesus had to be from the line of David, which means he had to be from Joseph’s family but David has nothing to do with Mary.  Couldn’t God have found favor with someone else and then arranged for that other woman to get immaculately conceived and then married to Joseph?  Probably, but he had a reason to choose Mary. 

In some obvious ways, it almost seems unfair how she got to find favor with God.  What made HER so special?  On the other hand, her role could be seen as an immense and unfair burden.  Mary knew this was going to complicate her life.  It could make her an outcast.  It could drag her name through the mud.  She could even get lynched.  So we’re back to the same question again. Why her? Why did she have to endure what she did?

This is much the same way that each of us has a purpose, role or characteristic.  We may like it a lot, or we may hate being the way we are.  But it’s easier to accept if we trust in God’s plan for us.  Things do eventually work out in the best possible way, even if there are times when it doesn't seem like it will.

Luke 1: 26-38

(no video today because of a whole laundry list of problems encountered, beginning last night)

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