Sunday, February 05, 2012

Who are we?! PHI DELT!

This past weekend, my fraternity colony at Northeastern University officially became a chapter of the Phi Delta Theta International Fraternity.  As a local Phi Delt alumnus, I'm really proud of these guys.  It was a time of great joy for them and I was so glad to see them all so happy.

But getting to this point was not easy.  This was a first-time colonization, not a re-colonization.  In other words, there was no Northeastern Phi Delt alumni base.  There was only a handful of local Phi Delt alumni from other universities who were directly involved in the developing of this interest group into a colony and then into a chapter.  So the active members (undergraduates) did most of the work.

A lot of the work was not glamourous at all and some of it seemed to yield no visible or tangible result but was nevertheless important.  It was indeed a lot of grunt work.  Things likely got contentious at times but as brothers they worked it all out and stuck together through thick and thin.  They firmly believed they had a purpose so they continued to soldier forth and persevere.  As Robert Morrison, one of our founders said, “To do what ought to be done, but what would not have been done unless I did it; I thought to be my duty.”

Mark 1: 29-39

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